Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Truly underwater video...

Date: March 19, 2008
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 15
Dive Time (minutes): 1
Surf (feet): 1
Surge (feet): 1
Water Temp (fahrenheit): unsure - seemed a bit colder than last dive
Visibility (feet): 10-15
Visibility Description: mildly murky
Notes and Highlights: Well - it's first flooding. Left work happy and early to enjoy a macro-footage hunt with Josh at Shaws...virtually no surf and beautiful topside conditions made the entry very simple...even with video gear. Finned up and kicked off to just past the small tunnel and dropped down. Hit the sand, and looked down at my rig..."hmmm...I don't remember seeing that yellow light blinking before...wonder what...$%!*&@!!!!" It could have been worse - I could have gotten that great footage before it flooded...but it still kinda sucks. Overall a somewhat less than good time had by all...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dive # 363

Date: March 14, 2008
Time: 8:30am
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 47
Dive Time (minutes): 60
Surf (feet): 1-2
Surge (feet): 2-3
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 57
Visibility (feet): 8-10
Visibility Description: murky
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Len - looked at Diver's but that spot looked pretty surgey...moved to Shaw's. Easy in, and dropped down pretty quick...vis was murky and maybe 10 feet. Went halfway through the main passage to Crescent - got white out in the middle so we turned back...went up the outside of the reef. Stopped by Shelly, and then past to the end of the reef (tube anemone country) and around back through the cut by Turn-Around Rock. The vis was a lot clearer inside that cut. Saw a bunch of Hopkin's Roses, Spanish Shawls and a Cockerell's Dorid. Black-eye Gobies, a single Bluebanded Goby, Blacksmiths in schools, and a small Sheepcrab. Visibility is poor, and there are bursts of surge - but the dive conditions are better than working, and a good time was had by all.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dive # 362

Date: March 9, 2008
Time: 6:10am
Location: Crescent/Deadman's
Depth (feet): 45
Dive Time (minutes): 63
Surf (feet): 1-2+
Surge (feet): 1-2
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 54
Visibility (feet): 10
Visibility Description: decent
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Josh - met up EARLY...felt even earlier with the time change...but worth it. Entry was easy, but there were some sets with larger surf. We dropped down at the end of the rocks and took a heading for Deadman's...we came straight up Deadhenge. Putzed around the mid-level of the reef for a bit-looking for photo subjects. Found several nice Spanish Shawls (a few pics below), some lobster, and if they live-birth, what I believe was a pregnant treefish. Some crabs and rays (round and thornbacks) over the sand on the way back, which was underwater to 7 feet deep...and a good time had by all.